MesoWest has been designed for use by National Weather Service meteorologists and other professionals for protection of life and property. Comments/suggestions for improvement may be sent to
The MesoWest Long-term Precipitation Summary provides access to liquid precipitation data for all available weather stations within the selected region. This page contains long-term statistics on the order of days. Shorter records of precipitation are available through the Short-term Precipitation Monitor.
The user can change multiple settings to display data, these settings are...
Location: The user can choose from a number of different regions to display data. The regions could be one of the following...
GCA: National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC) Geographic Coordinating Area
CWA: National Weather Service County Warning Area
FWZ: National Weather Service Fire Weather Zone
Network: The user can choose between the following for network combinations...
NWS: Displays stations that are only a part of the NWS/FAA network.
RAWS: Displays stations that are only a part of the RAWS network.
NWS and RAWS: Displays stations that are a part of either the NWS/FAA or RAWS networks.
SNOTEL: Displays stations that are only a part of the SNOTEL network.
All Networks: Displays all of the stations, regardless of the network.
Date and Time: The user can change the date and time (UTC) if they wish to view archived totals instead of current totals. To view the most recent totals, select "Current" from the "Day" input, which will automatically load the latest information.
The data is then output into tables in the area below the "Settings" section. There is an option to sort each table by station name or by station elevation.
Station Distribution: The stations are then divided into tables based on the "Location" chosen...
GCA: Stations grouped by GCA Predictive Service Areas (PSAs).
CWA: Stations grouped by Forecast Zone.
FWZ: Stations grouped by Fire Weather Forecast Zone.
State/Province: Stations grouped by county.
Table Output: The following information is provided within each table. Each row contains a different station.
Station ID and Name: longer station names may be truncated.
Mesonet and Elevation: which network the station belongs to and elevation in feet.
Precipitation Totals: calculated totals from the most recent observation listed for the following periods...
2 Days
5 Days
7 Days
10 Days
30 Days
Precipitation Droughts: the number of days since a daily total of precipitation fell for the following thresholds...
Precipitation Statistics: for tables with recent recorded precipitation and multiple stations, additional statistics are shown for each period...
Maximum: the maximum amount recorded for a table of stations.
Zone Average: the average amount calculated for all of the stations in a table.
Minimum: the minimum amount recorded for a table of stations.
*Important Notes:
1) Quality control of precipitation calculations is limited to gross checks only.
2) Occasionally, precipitation totals may be incorrect for NWS/FAA stations, due to irregular reporting intervals.
3) Due to the vast amount of data accessed, this page may load slower than typically seen with other pages, especially if "All Networks" is selected for a large area with many stations.