Fire Weather Monitor Help Page

MesoWest has been designed for use by National Weather Service meteorologists and other professionals for protection of life and property. Comments/suggestions for improvement may be sent to

The MesoWest Fire Weather Monitor displays information for stations within a given region that meet specific thresholds set by the user. This interface is often utilized for fire weather because of the capability to define thresholds, such as low humidity and high winds.

The user can change multiple settings to display data, these settings are...

"X"-h Summary: The user can select how many hours back from the set time to look for observations. This may be useful for stations which don't report frequently (e.g. once every 3 hours).

Network: The user can choose between the following for network combinations...
NWS: Displays stations that are only a part of the NWS/FAA network.
RAWS: Displays stations that are only a part of the RAWS network.
NWS and RAWS: Displays stations that are a part of either the NWS/FAA or RAWS networks.
SNOTEL: Displays stations that are only a part of the SNOTEL network.
All Networks: Displays all of the stations, regardless of the network.

Region of Interest: The user can choose from a number of different regions to display data. The regions could be one of the following...
GCA: National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC) Geographic Coordinating Area
CWA: National Weather Service County Warning Area
FWZ: National Weather Service Fire Weather Zone

Thresholds: The user can define numerous thresholds for important fire weather parameters, these thresholds are...
Wind Speed (Wind) greater than or equal to (>=) "X" mph
Wind Gust (Gust) less than or equal to (<=) "X" mph
Wind Gust (Gust) greater than or equal to (>=) "X" mph
Relative Humidity (RH) less than or equal to (<=) "X" %
Relative Humidity (RH) greater than or equal to (>=) "X" %
1-hour Precipitation (Precip/1 hrs) greater than or equal to (>=) "X" inches

AND/OR Option: The user can define whether to display stations that meet all the thresholds (AND) or just one/multiple thresholds (OR). Keep in mind that choosing "AND" will utilize the "Gust <=" and "RH <=" thresholds if values are present, these need to be left blank if you want to use the "Gust >=" or "RH >=" options.

Date and Time: The user can change the date and time (UTC) if they wish to view archived reports instead of current reports. Click "Update Time" after setting the date and time to update the page.

The data is then output into the area below the "Settings" section. Stations which satisfy the threshold will be displayed with "Value Station ID" below in the column that the threshold is listed. If a station exceeds a threshold more than once during the selected time period, only the most recent value is listed.

*Important Notes:

1) Values are color-coded by the quality control flag listed at the top of the table.
2) There is a link at the top called "National Fire Weather Monitor" which will automatically set thresholds and display stations for all GCA areas.

The display will auto-refresh with the most current information every 5 minutes, if current data are displayed.