Zarr API For Accessing HRRR Data

Because the hrrr zarr data is stored using zarr groups, xarray isn't always the most convenient method for accessing the data. Here, we look at how to use the zarr api to load a whole group, which lets us access multiple variables easily and efficiently.

As you can see, it takes about 1.5 seconds to open 8 variables--200 ms/variable. This is pretty fast, but not all the data has actually been downloaded or loaded into memory, so there may be about another second added on to any calculation where you actually access the data.

If we load the chunk index, we can plot the variables by lat/lon.

We can also access data at a gridpoint.

This makes it easy to reproduce the forecast plot from the other example, too:

However, since the different hours of analysis files are in completely separate zarr data stores, it's still slow and cumbersome to get the analysis data to compare to, up to twice as fast as using xarray but still much slower than getting a single chunk: